Bathrooms are everyone’s least favorite room to clean. In addition to the gross smells and soap scum, you just know how germy everything must be even if it doesn’t look like it. Plus, it seems you should have a different cleaning product for nearly every item in the bathroom.

Toilet bowl cleaners, tile cleaners, glass and mirror cleaners, bathtub cleaners, the list of bathroom cleaning products never seem to end. All those cleaners are expensive and create a headache-inducing cocktail of unpleasant smells and harmful chemicals. Luckily, there are simple and inexpensive homemade bathroom cleaning solutions to this problem that will leave your bathroom clean and smell great and your wallet much fuller.
Peppermint Mirror Cleaner
This homemade mirror cleaner cleans both glass and mirrors and will leave your bathroom smelling of peppermint! This awesome smelling cleaner is super easy to make and can even be used to remove carpet stains. Check here for the recipe and also learn how to put together a bathroom cleaning caddy with everything you need to keep that bathroom clean.
Shower Cleaner
This handy shower cleaner will get all that scum off your shower doors and tub and deal with hard water stains too. All it consists of is vinegar and Dawn dishwashing soap, but the stuff works wonders. This recipe for a homemade drain and shower cleaner will tell you exactly how to create the cleaner. Then, you can put it in a spray bottle and go to work. The stuff is even good for grimy windows!
Bathroom Wipes
Bathroom wipes may be a bit more complicated to make than some other items on this list, but they are awesome to use and worth a little extra effort. Wipes are very convenient for day-to-day wipe downs of surfaces, but commercial brands are not only expensive, but they also have all sorts of chemicals in them. This homemade recipe won’t leave you wondering what’s in your wipes!
Toilet Bowl Cleaner
You may think you have to forgo the homemade cleaners when it comes to your toilet bowl, but you’d be wrong. You may need to step up the natural ingredients a little, but you can still make your own. You’ll need baking soda, white vinegar (a 20% solution) and disinfecting essential oils. To see the recipe and discover where you can get those ingredients, check out this tutorial.
Toilet Bombs
Toilet bombs are great because they not only kill bacteria, they deodorize your toilet too. These handy little nuggets can just be dropped into the toilet tank and forgotten about, leaving you to worry about things that aren’t so easily cleaned. Store-bought ones can be expensive, but making your own is easy. Just break out your baking soda and essential oils, get some citric acid and molds, and get to work.
Soft Scrub
Most people have heard of (or bought) Soft Scrub. It is a go-to commercial brand of bathroom cleaner, but you can make an all-natural version of it right at home. All you need is some baking soda, castile soap, and water to have the same effect as the chemical-laden commercial brand. Check out how to make it, and other tips for bathroom cleaning, right here.

Toothbrush Cleaner
You could toss your toothbrush after every couple of uses, or you could save money and landfill space by cleaning your toothbrush instead. You want to be careful with how to clean it, though. You don’t want questionable chemicals in your mouth. This recipe will give you a safe and all-natural way to clean those toothbrushes and extend the life of each toothbrush, helping in a small way to save the environment and your bank account!
Bathroom Tiles
Bathroom tile is an ever-present problem in bathroom cleaning. It’s all over the place. You could spend a fortune in cleaners if you bought one for everything in the bathroom that needs to be cleaned. Instead, however, you can make your own tile cleaner simply and easily. This recipe for tile cleaner will make cleaning all those bathroom tiles a breeze.
Bathtub Scrub
This homemade scrub has your basic baking soda and essential oil (for good smelling results), but it also includes something most homemade bathroom scrubs do not: Eggshells. The eggshells serve as an amazing abrasive that gets those tough stains out of your bathtub. They need to be prepared properly, however. Check out this tutorial to find out how to make your own eggshell bathtub scrub.
Bathroom Deodorizer
To keep the bathroom smelling fresh even when not-so-fresh-smelling things are happening, you need this awesome homemade deodorizer. You just spray before you go, and there are no stinky smells to assault your (or anyone else’s) nose. This homemade recipe mostly consists of essential oils and water, but vegetable glycerin plays an important part as well. Check it out!
Grout Cleaner
If your grout is looking a little lackluster (or downright dirty), you need to get to cleaning it pronto. You only need two things to get your grout clean: baking soda and bleach. These two household items combined will make that grout sparkling in no time. Since you’re working with bleach though, be sure to use rubber gloves so you don’t irritate your hands, and rinse the tiles thoroughly after cleaning. Here’s how you do it.
Drain Cleaner
Drain cleaners and uncloggers are expensive and can even damage your sink, tub, or pipes. Keep it all-natural (and much less expensive) but using a homemade drain cleaner when you need to unclog your drains. All you need is baking soda, vinegar, and hot water, and you are set. Check out this tutorial on how to unclog a drain to see how exactly to use these products to get great results.
Shiny Faucets
Faucets are plagued with water spots, and shiny metal goes dull quickly. To help keep those faucets shiny, you need to clean them regularly, and after you clean them, rub them down with some wax paper. The rub down will help the faucets shine and look new! Best of all, it will help keep the faucets looking clean for days afterward! Here’s more information about it.
All-Purpose Cleaner
If you just want one cleaner for your bathroom that you can use on all surfaces, you can try a homemade all-purpose bathroom cleaner instead. This one uses castile soap, some essential oils, and our old friend baking soda for a general purpose bathroom cleaner that should work on all (or at least most) of your bathroom. You should also check out this page where other natural cleaning products are reviewed in great detail.
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